Houston DWI On Prescription Drugs
At Houston Criminal Defense Attorneys PLLC, we understand that facing a DWI charge involving prescription drugs can be a confusing and overwhelming experience. You may be wondering, "Can I really be arrested for DWI if I’m taking medication prescribed by my doctor?" The answer, unfortunately, is yes. Even though the substance is legal and prescribed, driving under the influence of certain prescription medications can still result in a DWI charge. Prosecutors even write articles on how to convict people in these types of cases.
Understanding DWI Prescription Drug Charges
Prescription drugs fall into two primary categories when it comes to DWI cases: Central Nervous System (CNS) depressants and narcotic analgesics.
CNS Depressants: Medications like benzodiazepines (such as Xanax or its generic, alprazolam) are prescribed for anxiety and other conditions, but they can impair your ability to drive by slowing your reaction time and affecting your speech, much like alcohol.
Narcotic Analgesics: Medications like hydrocodone are often prescribed for pain. Many people take these without realizing how much they impair their ability to drive, leading to unintentional DWI charges.
Even if you are taking these medications exactly as prescribed, the law looks at whether your mental or physical faculties were impaired while driving, not whether you were taking them legally or at a therapeutic level.
Prescription Drugs and DWI: What the Law Says
In Texas, the penalties for driving under the influence of prescription drugs are the same as those for alcohol-related DWI charges. For a first-time DWI, this means you could face:
Class B misdemeanor charge
72 hours to 180 days in jail
Up to a $2,000 fin
For repeat offenses or cases involving more severe impairment, the penalties increase significantly, including potential felony charges that could result in years of imprisonment and heavy fines.
The key is the definition of Intoxication in the penal code.
"Intoxicated" means:
(A) not having the normal use of mental or physical faculties by reason of the introduction of alcohol, a controlled substance, a drug, a dangerous drug, a combination of two or more of those substances, or any other substance into the body; or
(B) having an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more.
Because the law says a "drug" or "any other substance" this means that anything that causes you to lose the normal use of your mental or physical faculties can be deemed an intoxicating substance that makes operating a motor vehicle illegal.
How We Defend Prescription Drug DWI Cases
At Houston Criminal Defense Attorneys PLLC, we know that a DWI charge doesn’t always tell the full story. Our defense strategies for DWI prescription drug cases focus on several key areas:
Therapeutic Levels: If blood test results show that the medication was within the therapeutic range, meaning you took it as prescribed, this could be something that is used to show that you did not lose the normal mental or physical faculties because of the medicine. Family or friends that can testify you act normally when on the medication can also help.
No Intent to Impair: While DWI cases don’t require proof of intent, we work to show that you were not intentionally driving impaired and that any effects were unexpected and unintentional. This also is a mitigating factor that can influence prosecutors, judges, or jurors.
Medical Conditions: If you have an existing medical condition that affects your physical abilities, such as difficulty walking or balancing, we’ll make sure the court understands how this may have impacted your field sobriety tests.
Drug Recognition Expert (DRE): Without a trained Drug Recognition Expert on scene, the prosecution may lack crucial evidence to prove the impairing effects of prescription drugs. If no DRE evaluated you, this could weaken the state’s case and lead to reduced charges or even a dismissal.
What to Do If You’re Facing a Prescription Drug DWI Charge
If you or someone you know has been charged with DWI due to prescription drug use, it’s essential to act quickly. A skilled criminal defense attorney can help you navigate the legal process, gather critical evidence, and build a defense tailored to your specific situation.
At Houston Criminal Defense Attorneys PLLC, we have the experience and knowledge to help you achieve the best possible outcome. Don’t face these charges alone—contact us today to schedule a consultation and protect your rights.